we had the facts, but then we lost them.

2008-02-24 // 10:05 a.m.

I'm probably going to start my own blog website soon. I don't know exactly how or what, but I live with a computer engineer-so um that should help.

Speaking of that person, he's amazing. I love him dearly. Before I jinx everything, I'll just shut up.

I've been thinking about going vegan-you know, try it out. See if I can actually do it.


Also, in other news, APII is kicking my butt. GAH! I just want school to be over with.

Last night, I went out. Shot pool with my Joey, and then we went to IBAR and danced for a bit. EHH. I live 5 minutes from downtown, but I'm nowhere close to the whole "scene". My life is work, school, boyfriend. Life is pretty simple and it's good. I'm finally happy and he tells me that everyday. If you asked me five years ago that I'd end up with that skinny boy sitting across from me, I would have said no way.

AND I am also watching the GATE.

Best movie ever.

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