we had the facts, but then we lost them.

2008-02-23 // 1:08 p.m.

My boyfriend sent this to me. I love him more than anything.

1. Who eats more?

2. Who said "I love you" first?
Frannie on the door step of my house, "by accident"

3.How long have you been together?:
9 months

4. Who sings better?
I believe Frannie does, she's allways humming something

5. Who's older?:
me by 6 months

6. Who's smarter?
Definitley Frannie

7. Who's temper is worse?:
Frannie, if I get her real mad she breaks stuff.

8. Who does the laundry?
Me most of the time, but Frannie does her fair share.

9. Who does the dishes?
Frannie most of the time, but I think I do my fair share

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?:
Frannie, and she seems to get upset if I sleep on that side.

11. Who snores?
Both of us

12. Who's hair is longer?:
Frannie, but not by much

13. Who's better with the computer?:
Prolly me, but she knows her way around.

14. Do you have pets?:

15. Who pays the bills?

16. Who cooks dinner?
Where ever we decide to eat that night

17. Who drives when you are together?
Mostly me. Frannie drives more when we're not together

18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?:
About 50/50

19. Who is the most stubborn?:
Definitley Frannie.

20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
I think I am most of the time.

21. Who's parents do you see more?
Mine for some reason.

22. Who named your pet?
Frannie did.

23. Who kissed who first?
I kissed her on the beach at night and it was.....wonderful. Ahhh.

24. Who asked who out?
Umm, well she did ask for my number.

26. Who's more sensitive?
That would be Frannie she is a very sensitive little girl

27. Who's taller?:
Me by about 2 feet

29. Who has more siblings?
She has 4 I have 2

30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
That would be Frannie.

Now repost as You Vs Your significant other.... It's kinda fun to think about it and reminisce....

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